Based on the "customer-centered " service concept, Sinochem International continuously strives to improve product quality, innovate service capabilities, strengthen communication with customers, obtain and consolidate customer opinions and integrate them into product and service quality improvement measures, continue to improve customer satisfaction, and demonstrate responsibility to our customers.
Customer Healthcare and Safety
Sinochem International has formulated Customer Health & Safety Protection Management Measures, strictly manages and controls production processes and product safety specifications, applies chemical product safety labeling for storage, transport and other processes in accordance with national standards, and provides product SDS (safety data sheets) and MSDS (material safety date sheet for chemical products), and provides realistic information to customers regarding product risk factors and safety & protection measures, taking responsibility for the health and safety of customers.
The company insists on innovative service capabilities, enhancing its communications with customers, and undertaking that the use of all product promotions, information and logos are correct and standardized, the traceability of production operations and inspections is insured, and customers are provided with service before, during and after the sales. Customers can seek advice or submit a complaint via the official websites, WeChat accounts, or SDS and MSDS complaint hotlines, inter alia, of the various product manufacturers involved. The company carries out regular customer satisfaction surveys, collects customer needs and opinions, and resolves customer issues in a timely manner.
Product Quality
The company has implemented overall quality management measures, updating and improving the Quality Management Measures for Production Enterprises, and strengthening its publicity and implementation to continuously improve the management level of product quality.

KPIs in 2022:
● Customer complaint handling rate: 100%
● Customer satisfaction rate: 97.75%
● Violations in terms of health and safety impact from products and services: 0
● Violations in terms of product and service information and labels: 0
● Marketing violations: 0
● Product recalls: 0
● Production subsidiaries with ISO 9001 certification coverage: 94.7%
● Production subsidiaries’ labs accredited by CNAS: 7